Our Operation

We run a small manufacturing operation with over 600,000 workers. We're proud of our environmental impact. Our workers are diligent, efficient, and team oriented. We get the job done. We love our queens. And everyone loves the honey.

Enjoy a better experience with your honey

We love bees and the joy of beekeeping.  We cheerfully help our bees to provide you with the very best honey in the world.  We believe you deserve to enjoy a better experience with your honey.  We are interested in working with and partnering with other apiaries who adhere to our high standards of quality and care.  Although we keep growing, each year's limited batch of harvested honey sells out pretty fast. Feel free to request to be on our wait list.

Get Honey

Fun Bee Facts

It takes one ounce of honey to fuel a bee’s flight around the world.  A honey bee can fly for up to six miles, and as fast as 15 miles per hour, hence it would have to fly around 90,000 miles -three times around the globe – to make one pound of honey.  The honey bee is the only insect that produces food eaten by humans.  The queen bee lives for about 2-3 years.  She is the busiest in the summer months, when the hive needs to be at its maximum strength, and lays up to 2500 eggs a day.  Bees maintain a temperature of 92-93 degrees Fahrenheit in their central brood nest regardless of whether the outside temperature is 110 or -40 degrees.

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Honey Taste of "Belmont Premier"

Smooth sweetness with a pure-tone theme of lavender and mint. Harmonizing complementary subtle hints of vibrant garden backdrop. Light clear golden color. Apple and pear blossoms with fresh summer energy. High notes of upscale urban vineyard grapes infused with healing droplets of high-altitude fresh water landscape. Finishes well with a strawberry blossom kiss and whisper of raspberry mint.

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Honey Taste of "Big Me Honey" 

Aromatic pristine bursting sweetness flowing and enlightening the whole palate. A full-embodiment calm satisfying finish lingers in the mouth with smiling bringing happiness like a loving glowing angel. Definite theme of flowing fresh water with harmonizing tastes from fields of strawberries, vinyards of deep robust grapes, blackberries, raspberries, and peach blossoms. Satisfying notes and motifs of beautiful vegetable gardens, herbs, and editable flowers. Pure tastes of loving kindness, empowerment, and genuine service.

Title of this batch of honey comes from a music video performance at our honey harvest at the hives.  

Watch the Video

Aloha Bees

Humming, buzzing, working, and simply getting the job done.

Enjoy the Journey

How well do you know your honey?

A few memorable moments from our humble beginnings...

First Beehives


After doing extensive research, touring huge apiaries, learning from super knowledgeable beekeepers, we then bought and set up our first two hives in the "beehive state" of Utah.

First Bee Stings


About a month after we got our bees, Dennis got stung.  He was standing in the flight path in front of the hive (like he had many times before).  This time a a bee accidentally flew into the back of his head (it was probably flying on autopilot or flying distracted from maybe texting one of its bee friends on its little bee phone while flying).  Anyway as a novice beekeeper Dennis overreacted suddenly.  He felt the bee slam into him so he reached up and back with his hand to "protect himself".  Dennis' hand unintentionally flicked up his hoodie a little bit, and the bee got stuck in it.  The poor bee was scared.  It didn't know what was going on.  A quick moment later Dennis was stung on the ear.  Brett thought it was pretty fun.

Undertaker Bees My Foot


With such calm and easygoing bees, we loved going out and just watching them up close.  Seriously such fascinating creatures.  We would walk around barefoot all the time.  That is until Brett stepped on a bee and got stung.  Dennis laughed and thought it was funny.  Then Dennis got stung on his baby toe later that day.  Brett laughed.  Apparently, there are undertaker bees who diligently and responsibly remove the sick, dying, and dead bees from the hive.  This keeps the hive healthy and thriving.  Usually, these special forces undertaker bees carry the nearly dead bees quite a ways away and drop them off in a sort of bee graveyard -- leaving them for dead if they are not already dead.  Well, as the season progressed and our hives grew, it seems the undertaker bees got lazy and didn't care to fly away very far the sick, the injured or dead.  Or perhaps they accidentally dropped a few injured bees not to far away from the hive.  Well, Dennis and Brett each accidentally stepped too close to a couple grounded bees and consequently got stung.  Lesson learned.  Wear flip flops or be more attentive when walking barefoot.  



Expansion of beehives to Arizona

Colorado & Utah


Expansion of beehives in Colorado and Utah

First Aloha Bees Music Video


Acoustic guitar, singing, & bucket drum playing from serendipitous connection at United Nations meeting on sustainability and the environment. 

Upgraded Packaging


Upgraded new packaging and design