Aloha Beekeepers

The bees in our apiaries are cared for by some of the most amazing people on the planet, seriously.  We are super grateful for our team!

We also enjoy positive support from many friends, neighbors, and curious observers.

Dennis Allen

Chief Aloha Beekeeper
Evergreen, Colorado

Brett Allen

Chief Aloha Beekeeper
North Salt Lake, Utah

Daleine Allen

Chief Aloha Beekeeper
Brigham City, Utah

Sarah Allen

Chief Aloha Beekeeper
Queen Sarah's Happy Mountain Honeybees

Fred Allen

Aloha Beekeeper
Operational Support

Yes please...

Enjoy a better experience with your honey.  :)  

D & D

Getting the Job Done

Suited Up

Hawaiian Style (the other suit)

Guest Beekeepers

Experience the Joy

Yes we sing to our bees sometimes...

It is true that bees do feel and respond to a person's energy.
We strive to do our best to show up with the true spirit of aloha in each encounter.  

Strong Thanks To Our Aloha Bees

Strong thanks to each one of our over 600,000 bees.  You think we are going to give a personal shout out to each bee name-by-name, but that might take a while.  :)  

We absolutely love all our high-performing queen bees.  Here are a few of our favorites for you to meet name-by-name.  Their royal highnesses typically prefer to stay out of the spotlight.  These noble queens are not big fans of paparazzi and didn't want to share their actual photos, but instead opted to delegate other trusted and good-looking bees to come to the photo shoot for them.  (Seriously great leaders, right?  Gotta love 'em!!)

Queen Kalani -- Named in honor of a remarkable Hawaiian queen who exemplifies leadership, courage, compassion, and connection. She is of the Buckfast honey bee species which are known for their amazing qualities such as very prolific queens, the very low swarm instinct, gentleness and a high resistance to diseases. They overwinter very well, use less honey stores, are great honey producers, and build up rapidly in the spring while maintaining a strong colony during the entire summer. It’s probably the most gentle bee of all species.  Buckfast Honey Bee Speecies is a cross between the Italian Honey Bee (Apis Mellifera Ligustica) and the West-European Honey Bee in England, a sub-species of the Apis Mellifera Mellifera.

Queen Laka -- Named in honor of the Hawaiian goddess of beauty, love, and fertility. As goddess of the forest she enriches flowers and plants with light and was known for creating the beautiful Hawaiian hula dance. She is of the the Carniolan honey bee species (Apis mellifera carnica, Pollmann) which is known for their docile, easygoing, and hardworking temperment.

Queen Tyily --  Tyily stands for “Thank You I Love You” 
It seems gratitude is one of the most gracious and nurturing ideas of empowerment. A honey bee visits between 50-100 flowers during one collection flight from the hive.  Imagine the beautiful gratitude and love shared by bees into our world.  Some of the most acclaimed traits and characteristics of the Carniolan honey bee species are its calm and docile behavior on the comb, the sense of orientation is among the best, their brood is highly resistant to diseases and parasites, reduced consumption over winter, the length of the tongue (the second longest after the Caucasian honey bee), explosive spring buildup, they are less prone to robbing and spreading diseases in other colonies, they don’t use excessive amounts of propolis, and large honey production.

Queen Betsy Hunt -- Leadership, education, love, kindness, compassion, excellence, results.  She is of the Italian Honey Bee Species (Apis Mellifera Ligustica).  Imported from the North-West region of the Italian Alps (Ligurian Alps), this variety of the Italian bee has a darker color than the normal (more yellowish) bee. (some varieties of Italian honey bees can be very light almost blond color. Italian honey bees are often known for many great qualities such as gentleness, very prolific, less inclined to swarm, white honey cappings, cleanliness, resistance to diseases, willing to enter honey supers, and are excellent comb builders.